Case Study : BIM Basic and Intermediate Training for General Contractor

The future of the construction industry is Building Information Modelling (BIM). Construction professionals are moving towards BIM very rapidly now in order to make the construction projects more successful and efficient while execution. Hence, the need of the hour is to employ BIM experts in the projects for implementation of the same.

To efficiently implement BIM in projects, the professionals working on site either should be qualified or trained to use BIM. Hence, VDC Technologies conducts training sessions for professionals working in the industry to train them to use BIM in the projects with ease.

Since BIM is still making a hold on the industry therefore, VDC Technologies regularly conducts on-site and off-site basic and intermediate training for the general contractors and other professionals involved. By taking the training the professionals working in the field could be a better hold on BIM and then they could implement the same in the projects to get the maximum output.

So far, VDC has been successful in training the general contractors as to how to implement BIM in projects and how to go about it. During the training, the trainees are made to understand the levels on which they could use BIM and how these different levels could be useful. Also, they are trained by giving them hands on training on the softwares of use.

In this way, VDC is not only helping the client by making them understand BIM and its implementation, but it is also helping the industry by creating awareness about BIM and how to go around it.

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