Case Study : Quantities Extraction from Revit for Hospital

Quantity takeoff is a typical job especially in complex projects like that of a hospital where a lot of elements are used. Quantity takeoff is a time taking process that needs high level of accuracy so as to estimate the magnitude of work and the cost of project.

The manual process of taking off quantities takes a lot of time and chances of errors are high. Therefore, we use Revit software to take off quantities in no time and more accurately than any other method.

For taking off quantities, our team first created the 3D models for the project containing exhaustive details of the project. All the specifications were incorporated in the models to develop higher level of information model.

Once the detailed models were created with all the specifications, the quantities were taken off. Calculating quantities by this method reduced the work load of the project manager and the concerned design team. Also taking off quantities by this method helped in producing most effective cost estimation for the project.

The quantity takeoff schedule was then issued to the client for better understating of the quantities of elements being used in the project. This helped client in altering/changing the elements that were already proposed before the start of the project so that the time and cost is not wasted during execution.

Service in the project:

  • Production of 3D models
  • Quantity takeoff
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